Thursday 7 April 2011

Storybook Script

Long ago, in 1940, Japan invaded Korea,
They made Korea a Japan Empire.
Japan was cruel,
Koreans had to obey the rulers.
Koreans had to change thier names,
And they had no where to push the blames.
A notice was posted,
"If you go aganst the command,you will be arrested."
In the end Sun-Hee's name became Keoko,
Tae-yul became Nobuo.

One day,Sun-Hee and Tae-yul is being called,
where Uncle had a flag and taught
the meaning and drawing of it
"Never forget."
"Keep it in your mind always",
"What the flag looks like and means."
Uncle said.

When the time comes,
Korea will be free,
Becoming its own country.
Uncle told Sun-Hee and Tae-yul,
"have to capture,"
"this picture,"
"in your mind,"
"before the Japanese can find."
Uncle hoped,
that one day,
Korean flag,
would be able to fly with pride.

Information taken from
"When My Name Was Keoko"
By Linda Sue Park.

1 comment:

  1. Is this finalized? What is the climax? Your story is a bit too short. Do you think this is a good story if you are the reader?
