Thursday 21 April 2011

Research on flags for illustrations of storybook:
Picture of korea flag

Picture of japan flag

Saturday 16 April 2011

Translating the idea into the storybook:

We will make the last word of each puncuation(full stop or comma) rhyme.

For example:
Long ago in 1940 Japan invaded Korea,
They made Korea a Japan Empire.

'Korea' and 'Empire' rhymes.
Why we decided to use rhymes in the children storybook:

1. Nursery rhymes, poems and songs will provide children with opportunities to develop an appreciation for rhyme and rhythm, as well as to develop their memory and auditory skills.

2. Research in the field of early childhood development and reading has shown that children who struggle to recognise words that rhyme, often have difficulty in learning to read. Hence, the importance of familiarizing children with rhymes and preschool songs.

3. The rhythm of songs, poems and rhymes help children to remember the words and helps to develop auditory memory skills. It has been said that the golden age for memory is between ages 6-9. At this age a child can memorize more quickly and remember for longer than at any other time in his life. Children who cannot yet read, remember better than their peers who can read, as the non-readers cannot refer back to the text for information but have to remember everything they have seen or heard.

4. Poems and verses use words to paint word pictures and nursery rhymes help to activate that awareness.

5. While reading, singing, playing and acting out nursery rhymes together, convey a message to children that sounds make words and that words are fun!

6. Nursery rhymes also help children to appreciate and develop and understanding of humour.

7. Since most nursery rhymes also include mathematical concepts, like counting, time, height, measurement, position, volume, weather, temperature etc. It can allow children to use them as opportunities to develop vocabulary around these concepts.

8. The intriguing and fanciful stories, colourful characters and vivid language of nursery rhymes and preschool songs have fascinated children for centuries and helped expand their imaginations. It introduce them to the world of literature, storytelling, play-acting and make-believe.


The completed children story book.

Page One (Cover)

Page Two

Page Three

Page Four

Page Five